Saturday 12 January 2013

Publish Or Perish (ctd.)

Number of decisions published on the DG3 case law webpage.

It is time to have a look at the DG3 activity in 2012. As you can see, the Boards have published  almost 1500 decisions, which is more than in the previous years (except 2009, that is).

That being said, it was not an easy year for K’s Law, because the number of noteworthy (i.e. somewhat surprising, illuminating or simply very pedagogical) decisions was not greater (and perhaps even smaller) than the years before. So I had a hard time filling my schedule. Obviously, if this trend continues, I will reduce my posting rate.

There was no big surprise in the release rhythm during the fourth quarter, except perhaps the big isolated bunch in November and a certain fébrilité in December:


Anonymous said...

Published? Meaning as in the Official Journal? I do not think so. Probably you mean issued? As in having given a reasoned decision.

oliver said...

transitive verb
a : to make generally known
b : to make public announcement of
a : to disseminate to the public
b : to produce or release for distribution; specifically : print
c : to issue the work of (an author)

Taken from Merriam-Webster

All cited meanings apply here, but 2a expresses best what DG3 does on its website.

PLU said...

I suppose the first comment was due to the EPO case law database on the website being down the last few days. As a regular reader, I would say that in this case, "quality above quantity" applies.